Over 87 Years of History

Organized in 1938 and chartered in 1939, the Jersey Aero Club is the 3rd oldest active flying club in the United States. Initially founded and operating out of (formerly) Asbury Park Air Terminal (KARX) with only five members.
1 year later, another 107 would join to include famed American polar explorer and aviation pioneer Isaac "Ike" Schlossbach. He remained a member up until he died in 1984.
By Pearl Harbor time, the club has acquired 200 members and a battlefleet of J-3's; however, most of the members had been drafted into the military to learn "instant flying" in support of the war (Flying Magazine, May 1966, pp. 55–57. )
In 1957, the Jersey Aero Club had three airplanes in its fleet. An Aeronca Champion 65 HP would rent for $4.80 hr, a Champion 85HP for $5.40, and a Cessna 170B for $8.
In 2008, one of our most valued and senior members, Club Secretary Phillip Zollner, earned the coveted FAA's Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award for his 56 years of service to general aviation.
Today the Jersey Aero Club operates out of Lakewood Municipal Airport in Lakewood, NJ, boasts six aircraft in its fleet, and continues to have some of the lowest rates available.
Its membership of over 125 active aviators supports and promotes safe general aviation and continue to contribute to the JAC's rich history.

1939-41 Richard Wallace
1942-46 Edwin Wooley
1947 Thomas MacFeely
1948 George Murphy
1949-50 Harold Edwards
1951 George Ayers
1952 C. E. Gorden
1953 Charles Moraller
1954 Francis M. Hall
1955 Bernard Golden
1956 Abe Gindoff
1957 Donald McLain
1958 Donald Hurley
1959 Edward Dalton
1960 Stanley Herbert
1961 Alex Koleda
1962-63 Richard J. Lewis
1964 Robert C. Reed
1965 Jack Stayzn
1966 Stacey J. Tavis
1967 Simon Lieberman
1968 Henry D. Poland
1969 George Wheeler
1970 Charles Hirtes
1971 John Dickson
1972 Earl Gelnaw
1973 Robert Wheat
1974 William Crowell
1975 Edwin B. Bundy
1976 Anthony J. Visdas
1977 Earl Gelnaw
1978 Arthur Martino
1979 J. Bruce Mawson
1980 Michael A. Pilla
1981 David A. Kregg
1982 W. Greg Hill
1983 Francis A. Gasparini
1984 Charles Bramhall
1985 Lawrence E. Rook
1986 Robert B. Kraeuter
1987 Ronald E Pietkewitz
1988 John V. Bajus
1989 Andrew Nunes-Vais
1990 James H. Bemiss
1991 Cheryl Clapp
1992 W. David Tranger
1993 Donald W. Clapp
1994 Dennis Rittenhouse
1995 Diana Visdas
1996 David M. Williamson
1997 Dan Bachrach
1998 Bill Green
1999 Jim O’Connor
2000 Ted LaBarca
2001 Greg Valvo
2002 Doug Livornese
2003 Mark Matthews
2004 Art Oberle
2005 Dave Hartdorn
2006 Dick Augusty
2007 Tom Flieger
2008 Fred Horney
2009 Eli Korn
2010 Frank Duelly
2011 Kitty Flakker
2012 Eric White
2013 John Zazulka
2014 George Killeen
2015 Walter Szablowski
2016-17 Bill Patullo
2018-19 Steve Adams
2020 Alex Justo